Thursday, September 26, 2013

Typefaces Writing Prompt

I realized that I never did this before I started this project, so I'll write it at the end :)
For my digital typeface I utilized negative space. I took a standard font, made it white, and highlighted it with paint splatters of all different colors. This creates a playful feel, and also makes for a clear, concise, easy to read font. For my handwritten font, I pictured a strip of paper that I would fold to make the letters, and then drew it out. It is colored like the sides of the paper were different colors, to give it more clarity. It is clear, and playful at the same time. It has a calm beauty to it. For my sculptural, I'm going for something that's crazy, something that no one has done before. I'm not quite positive yet, but I might cut the letters out of paper, and leave them half attached so they stick up, or I might carve them out of pumpkins, I'm not sure. All of my fonts are easy to read, yet they look good and are pleasing to the eye.

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