Wednesday, August 28, 2013

1st Entry

To me, Graphic Design is the combination of colors and shapes to create something memorable. Lots of times it's logos, or flyers/brochures, but it is also everything from wedding invitations to graduation announcements. It uses colors, words, fonts, and pictures to create something that is pleasing to the eye. You see it everywhere. Every flyer that you get in the mail for any business has their name on it. And they all look different. They all use different fonts and colors to create something that is unique to them. Most of them also have logos, which can be the simplest little symbol, yet it symbolizes their business. The Nike logo is the swoosh. Target is the bullseye. And you don't even need the name of the business to know what it is, you only need the logo. Good graphic designers know how to make an influential logo, they know how to make that business stand out in just a few colors and a symbol. It's really quite something, and I find it interesting. There are endless places you could go, and so many possibilities. The other day I had a job shadow with my cousin who's a graphic designer at the Zeeland Print Shop, and it was amazing what she could do in the space of two hours. She was making wedding things for her cousin, and she whipped up all this cool stuff and it looked fantastic! 
These pictures are mostly logos that I admire the simplicity of, or patterns that I like. Or maybe even a flyer or two :)

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